2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
/ *
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
* Vencord , a Discord client mod
* Copyright ( c ) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX - License - Identifier : GPL - 3.0 - or - later
* /
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
import * as DataStore from "@api/DataStore" ;
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
import { definePluginSettings , Settings } from "@api/Settings" ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary" ;
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
import { Flex } from "@components/Flex" ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants" ;
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
import { Margins } from "@utils/margins" ;
import definePlugin , { OptionType } from "@utils/types" ;
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
import { findStoreLazy } from "@webpack" ;
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
import { Button , Forms , showToast , StatusSettingsStores , TextInput , Toasts , Tooltip , useEffect , useState } from "webpack/common" ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-06-13 02:36:25 +02:00
const enum ActivitiesTypes {
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
Game ,
interface IgnoredActivity {
id : string ;
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
name : string ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
type : ActivitiesTypes ;
2023-03-08 00:11:59 -03:00
const RunningGameStore = findStoreLazy ( "RunningGameStore" ) ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
function ToggleIcon ( activity : IgnoredActivity , tooltipText : string , path : string , fill : string ) {
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
return (
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
< Tooltip text = { tooltipText } >
{ tooltipProps = > (
< button
{ . . . tooltipProps }
2023-11-18 22:53:50 -03:00
onClick = { e = > handleActivityToggle ( e , activity ) }
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
style = { { all : "unset" , cursor : "pointer" , display : "flex" , justifyContent : "center" , alignItems : "center" } }
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
< svg
width = "24"
height = "24"
viewBox = "0 -960 960 960"
< path fill = { fill } d = { path } / >
< / svg >
< / button >
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
) }
< / Tooltip >
) ;
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
const ToggleIconOn = ( activity : IgnoredActivity , fill : string ) = > ToggleIcon ( activity , "Disable Activity" , "M480-320q75 0 127.5-52.5T660-500q0-75-52.5-127.5T480-680q-75 0-127.5 52.5T300-500q0 75 52.5 127.5T480-320Zm0-72q-45 0-76.5-31.5T372-500q0-45 31.5-76.5T480-608q45 0 76.5 31.5T588-500q0 45-31.5 76.5T480-392Zm0 192q-146 0-266-81.5T40-500q54-137 174-218.5T480-800q146 0 266 81.5T920-500q-54 137-174 218.5T480-200Zm0-300Zm0 220q113 0 207.5-59.5T832-500q-50-101-144.5-160.5T480-720q-113 0-207.5 59.5T128-500q50 101 144.5 160.5T480-280Z" , fill ) ;
const ToggleIconOff = ( activity : IgnoredActivity , fill : string ) = > ToggleIcon ( activity , "Enable Activity" , "m644-428-58-58q9-47-27-88t-93-32l-58-58q17-8 34.5-12t37.5-4q75 0 127.5 52.5T660-500q0 20-4 37.5T644-428Zm128 126-58-56q38-29 67.5-63.5T832-500q-50-101-143.5-160.5T480-720q-29 0-57 4t-55 12l-62-62q41-17 84-25.5t90-8.5q151 0 269 83.5T920-500q-23 59-60.5 109.5T772-302Zm20 246L624-222q-35 11-70.5 16.5T480-200q-151 0-269-83.5T40-500q21-53 53-98.5t73-81.5L56-792l56-56 736 736-56 56ZM222-624q-29 26-53 57t-41 67q50 101 143.5 160.5T480-280q20 0 39-2.5t39-5.5l-36-38q-11 3-21 4.5t-21 1.5q-75 0-127.5-52.5T300-500q0-11 1.5-21t4.5-21l-84-82Zm319 93Zm-151 75Z" , fill ) ;
function ToggleActivityComponent ( activity : IgnoredActivity , isPlaying = false ) {
2023-11-18 22:53:50 -03:00
const s = settings . use ( [ "ignoredActivities" ] ) ;
const { ignoredActivities = [ ] } = s ;
if ( ignoredActivities . some ( act = > act . id === activity . id ) ) return ToggleIconOff ( activity , "var(--status-danger)" ) ;
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
return ToggleIconOn ( activity , isPlaying ? "var(--green-300)" : "var(--primary-400)" ) ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-11-18 22:53:50 -03:00
function handleActivityToggle ( e : React.MouseEvent < HTMLButtonElement , MouseEvent > , activity : IgnoredActivity ) {
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
const ignoredActivityIndex = getIgnoredActivities ( ) . findIndex ( act = > act . id === activity . id ) ;
if ( ignoredActivityIndex === - 1 ) settings . store . ignoredActivities = getIgnoredActivities ( ) . concat ( activity ) ;
else settings . store . ignoredActivities = getIgnoredActivities ( ) . filter ( ( _ , index ) = > index !== ignoredActivityIndex ) ;
// Trigger activities recalculation
2023-10-25 18:15:12 +02:00
StatusSettingsStores . ShowCurrentGame . updateSetting ( old = > old ) ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
function ImportCustomRPCComponent() {
return (
< Flex flexDirection = "column" >
< Forms.FormText type = { Forms . FormText . Types . DESCRIPTION } > Import the application id of the CustomRPC plugin to the allowed list < / Forms.FormText >
< div >
< Button
onClick = { ( ) = > {
const id = Settings . plugins . CustomRPC ? . appID as string | undefined ;
if ( ! id ) {
return showToast ( "CustomRPC application ID is not set." , Toasts . Type . FAILURE ) ;
const isAlreadyAdded = allowedIdsPushID ? . ( id ) ;
if ( isAlreadyAdded ) {
showToast ( "CustomRPC application ID is already added." , Toasts . Type . FAILURE ) ;
} }
Import CustomRPC ID
< / Button >
< / div >
< / Flex >
) ;
let allowedIdsPushID : ( ( id : string ) = > boolean ) | null = null ;
function AllowedIdsComponent ( props : { setValue : ( value : string ) = > void ; } ) {
const [ allowedIds , setAllowedIds ] = useState < string > ( settings . store . allowedIds ? ? "" ) ;
allowedIdsPushID = ( id : string ) = > {
const currentIds = new Set ( allowedIds . split ( "," ) . map ( id = > id . trim ( ) ) . filter ( Boolean ) ) ;
const isAlreadyAdded = currentIds . has ( id ) || ( currentIds . add ( id ) , false ) ;
const ids = Array . from ( currentIds ) . join ( ", " ) ;
setAllowedIds ( ids ) ;
props . setValue ( ids ) ;
return isAlreadyAdded ;
} ;
useEffect ( ( ) = > ( ) = > {
allowedIdsPushID = null ;
} , [ ] ) ;
function handleChange ( newValue : string ) {
setAllowedIds ( newValue ) ;
props . setValue ( newValue ) ;
return (
< Forms.FormSection >
< Forms.FormTitle tag = "h3" > Allowed List < / Forms.FormTitle >
< Forms.FormText className = { Margins . bottom8 } type = { Forms . FormText . Types . DESCRIPTION } > Comma separated list of activity IDs to allow ( Useful for allowing RPC activities and CustomRPC ) < / Forms.FormText >
< TextInput
type = "text"
value = { allowedIds }
onChange = { handleChange }
placeholder = "235834946571337729, 343383572805058560"
/ >
< / Forms.FormSection >
) ;
const settings = definePluginSettings ( {
importCustomRPC : {
type : OptionType . COMPONENT ,
description : "" ,
component : ( ) = > < ImportCustomRPCComponent / >
} ,
allowedIds : {
type : OptionType . COMPONENT ,
description : "" ,
default : "" ,
onChange ( newValue : string ) {
const ids = new Set ( newValue . split ( "," ) . map ( id = > id . trim ( ) ) . filter ( Boolean ) ) ;
settings . store . allowedIds = Array . from ( ids ) . join ( ", " ) ;
} ,
component : props = > < AllowedIdsComponent setValue = { props . setValue } / >
} ,
ignorePlaying : {
type : OptionType . BOOLEAN ,
description : "Ignore all playing activities (These are usually game and RPC activities)" ,
default : false
} ,
ignoreStreaming : {
type : OptionType . BOOLEAN ,
description : "Ignore all streaming activities" ,
default : false
} ,
ignoreListening : {
type : OptionType . BOOLEAN ,
description : "Ignore all listening activities (These are usually spotify activities)" ,
default : false
} ,
ignoreWatching : {
type : OptionType . BOOLEAN ,
description : "Ignore all watching activities" ,
default : false
} ,
ignoreCompeting : {
type : OptionType . BOOLEAN ,
description : "Ignore all competing activities (These are normally special game activities)" ,
default : false
} ) . withPrivateSettings < {
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
ignoredActivities : IgnoredActivity [ ] ;
} > ( ) ;
function getIgnoredActivities() {
return settings . store . ignoredActivities ? ? = [ ] ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
function isActivityTypeIgnored ( type : number , id? : string ) {
if ( id && settings . store . allowedIds . includes ( id ) ) {
return false ;
switch ( type ) {
case 0 : return settings . store . ignorePlaying ;
case 1 : return settings . store . ignoreStreaming ;
case 2 : return settings . store . ignoreListening ;
case 3 : return settings . store . ignoreWatching ;
case 5 : return settings . store . ignoreCompeting ;
return false ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
export default definePlugin ( {
name : "IgnoreActivities" ,
authors : [ Devs . Nuckyz ] ,
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
description : "Ignore activities from showing up on your status ONLY. You can configure which ones are specifically ignored from the Registered Games and Activities tabs, or use the general settings below." ,
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
settings ,
2023-03-08 00:11:59 -03:00
patches : [
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
2024-03-28 09:48:47 -03:00
find : '="LocalActivityStore",' ,
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
replacement : [
2023-11-18 22:53:50 -03:00
match : /HANG_STATUS.+?(?=!\i\(\i,\i\)&&)(?<=(\i)\.push.+?)/ ,
replace : ( m , activities ) = > ` ${ m } ${ activities } = ${ activities } .filter( $ self.isActivityNotIgnored); `
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
} ,
2023-03-08 00:11:59 -03:00
replacement : {
2023-10-25 18:12:09 -03:00
match : /\.Messages\.SETTINGS_GAMES_TOGGLE_OVERLAY.+?}\(\),(?<={overlay:\i,.+?=(\i),.+?)(?=!(\i))/ ,
replace : ( m , props , nowPlaying ) = > ` ${ m } $ self.renderToggleGameActivityButton( ${ props } , ${ nowPlaying } ), `
2023-03-08 00:11:59 -03:00
} ,
2023-10-25 18:12:09 -03:00
find : ".activityTitleText,variant" ,
replacement : {
match : /(?<=\i\.activityTitleText.+?children:(\i)\.name.*?}\),)/ ,
replace : ( _ , props ) = > ` $ self.renderToggleActivityButton( ${ props } ), `
} ,
} ,
find : ".activityCardDetails,children" ,
replacement : {
match : /(?<=\i\.activityCardDetails.+?children:(\i\.application)\.name.*?}\),)/ ,
replace : ( _ , props ) = > ` $ self.renderToggleActivityButton( ${ props } ), `
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-03-08 00:11:59 -03:00
] ,
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
async start() {
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
const oldIgnoredActivitiesData = await DataStore . get < Map < IgnoredActivity [ "id" ] , IgnoredActivity > > ( "IgnoreActivities_ignoredActivities" ) ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
if ( oldIgnoredActivitiesData != null ) {
settings . store . ignoredActivities = Array . from ( oldIgnoredActivitiesData . values ( ) )
. map ( activity = > ( { . . . activity , name : "Unknown Name" } ) ) ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
DataStore . del ( "IgnoreActivities_ignoredActivities" ) ;
if ( getIgnoredActivities ( ) . length !== 0 ) {
const gamesSeen = RunningGameStore . getGamesSeen ( ) as { id? : string ; exePath : string ; } [ ] ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
for ( const [ index , ignoredActivity ] of getIgnoredActivities ( ) . entries ( ) ) {
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
if ( ignoredActivity . type !== ActivitiesTypes . Game ) continue ;
if ( ! gamesSeen . some ( game = > game . id === ignoredActivity . id || game . exePath === ignoredActivity . id ) ) {
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
getIgnoredActivities ( ) . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
} ,
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
isActivityNotIgnored ( props : { type : number ; application_id? : string ; name? : string ; } ) {
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
if ( isActivityTypeIgnored ( props . type , props . application_id ) ) return false ;
if ( props . application_id != null ) {
return ! getIgnoredActivities ( ) . some ( activity = > activity . id === props . application_id ) || settings . store . allowedIds . includes ( props . application_id ) ;
} else {
const exePath = RunningGameStore . getRunningGames ( ) . find ( game = > game . name === props . name ) ? . exePath ;
if ( exePath ) {
return ! getIgnoredActivities ( ) . some ( activity = > activity . id === exePath ) ;
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
2024-03-01 01:09:55 -03:00
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
return true ;
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
} ,
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
renderToggleGameActivityButton ( props : { id? : string ; name : string , exePath : string ; } , nowPlaying : boolean ) {
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
return (
< ErrorBoundary noop >
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
< div style = { { marginLeft : 12 , zIndex : 0 } } >
{ ToggleActivityComponent ( { id : props.id ? ? props . exePath , name : props.name , type : ActivitiesTypes . Game } , nowPlaying ) }
< / div >
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
< / ErrorBoundary >
) ;
} ,
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
renderToggleActivityButton ( props : { id : string ; name : string ; } ) {
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
return (
< ErrorBoundary noop >
2023-10-07 23:04:17 -03:00
{ ToggleActivityComponent ( { id : props.id , name : props.name , type : ActivitiesTypes . Embedded } ) }
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
< / ErrorBoundary >
) ;
2023-03-08 00:11:59 -03:00
2022-12-03 22:16:47 -03:00
} ) ;