## 💻 Preview https://github.com/AllJavi/tartarus-startpage/assets/49349604/9a2a3f4c-33ef-4eb3-9243-cc160a56a181 This start page is based on the [dawn](https://github.com/b-coimbra/dawn) repository, which has even more functionality. I've tweaked the page's style a bit to match my [dotfiles](https://github.com/AllJavi/tartarus-dotfiles), and I've added some features to make it more comfortable. ## ⌨️ Keybindings | Hotkey | Action | | ------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------- | | Numrow \| MouseWheel \| Click | Switch tabs | | s | Search Dialog | | q | Config Dialog (new) | | Esc | Close Dialogs | ## ⚙️ Configuration Dialog ![config-dialog](https://github.com/AllJavi/tartarus-startpage/assets/49349604/3b42c650-b5bb-4a7d-a358-cfa5a8915966) The default configuration file is [userconfig.js](userconfig.js), but you can change it in the configuration dialog. You can find more information about how the file works in the [original repository](https://github.com/b-coimbra/dawn). The available components are tabs, a clock, and weather. Additionally, there are two different new options: - `fastlink`: To set the link of the Pokeball button. - `localIcons`: To optimize the loading time of the icons, you can check it out [here](#local-icons). ## 🔍 Search Dialog ![search-dialog](https://github.com/AllJavi/tartarus-startpage/assets/49349604/3f76323d-88c4-41b6-b93d-e4cceb1780b7) The search dialog allows you to display a search bar with various search engines defined in the configuration. To select each one, you simply need to prefix the query with the corresponding `!`. By default, the defined search engines are: - `!g`: google - `!d`: duckduckgo - `!y`: youtube - `!r`: reddit - `!p`: pinterest ## 🖼 Available banners |cbg-2|cbg-3|cbg-4|cbg-5| | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ||||| |cbg-6|cbg-7|cbg-8|cbg-9| | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ||||| |cbg-10|cbg-11|cbg-12|cbg-13| | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ||||| ## Local Icons If you want to reduce the loading time of the icons, you could install the [icon font](https://github.com/AllJavi/tartarus-startpage/tree/master/src/fonts) locally and activate the option `"localIcons": true` in the config to disable the remote styles. ## Credit - [Dawn Startpage](https://github.com/b-coimbra/dawn) ([preview](https://startpage.metaphoric.dev/)) ## License [MIT License](./LICENSE)