{ pkgs, config, inputs, ... }: { wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = { bindm = [ "Super, mouse:272, movewindow" "Super, mouse:273, resizewindow" ]; bind = [ "Super, mouse_up, workspace, +1" "Super, mouse_down, workspace, -1" "Super+Shift, S, togglespecialworkspace" "Super, Q, exec, ${pkgs.foot}/bin/foot" "Super, C, killactive" "Super, V, togglefloating" "Super, E, exec, ${pkgs.gnome.nautilus} --new-window" # This horror of a mess is from having more than 10 workspaces and I'm very much considering just removing this shit ] ++ map (n: "Alt, ${toString n}, exec, ~/.config/ags/scripts/hyprland/workspace_adction.sh movetoworkspacesilent ${toString ( if n == 0 then 10 else n )}") [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0] ++ map (n: "Super, ${toString n}, exec, ~/.config/ags/scripts/hyprland/workspace_adction.sh workspace, ${toString ( if n == 0 then 10 else n )}") [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0]; }; }