-- https://github.com/nekowinston/wezterm-bar local wezterm = require("wezterm") local M = {} -- default configuration local config = { position = "top", -- or "bottom" max_width = 32, dividers = "slant_right", -- "slant_right" or "slant_left", "arrows", "rounded", false indicator = { leader = { enabled = true, off = " ", on = " ", }, mode = { enabled = true, names = { resize_mode = "RESIZE", copy_mode = "VISUAL", search_mode = "SEARCH", }, }, }, tabs = { numerals = "arabic", -- or "roman" pane_count = "superscript", -- or "subscript", false brackets = { active = { "", ":" }, inactive = { "", ":" }, }, }, clock = { enabled = false, format = "%I:%M %P", -- https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html }, } -- parsed config local C = {} local function tableMerge(t1, t2) for k, v in pairs(t2) do if type(v) == "table" then if type(t1[k] or false) == "table" then tableMerge(t1[k] or {}, t2[k] or {}) else t1[k] = v end else t1[k] = v end end return t1 end local dividers = { slant_right = { left = utf8.char(0xe0be), right = utf8.char(0xe0bc), }, slant_left = { left = utf8.char(0xe0bb), right = utf8.char(0xe0b8), }, arrows = { left = utf8.char(0xe0b2), right = utf8.char(0xe0b0), }, rounded = { left = utf8.char(0xe0b6), right = utf8.char(0xe0b4), }, } -- conforming to https://github.com/wez/wezterm/commit/e4ae8a844d8feaa43e1de34c5cc8b4f07ce525dd -- exporting an apply_to_config function, even though we don't change the users config M.apply_to_config = function(c, opts) -- make the opts arg optional if not opts then opts = {} end -- combine user config with defaults config = tableMerge(config, opts) C.div = { l = "", r = "", } if config.dividers then C.div.l = dividers[config.dividers].left C.div.r = dividers[config.dividers].right end C.leader = { enabled = config.indicator.leader.enabled and true, off = config.indicator.leader.off, on = config.indicator.leader.on, } C.mode = { enabled = config.indicator.mode.enabled, names = config.indicator.mode.names, } C.tabs = { numerals = config.tabs.numerals, pane_count_style = config.tabs.pane_count, brackets = { active = config.tabs.brackets.active, inactive = config.tabs.brackets.inactive, }, } C.clock = { enabled = config.clock.enabled, format = config.clock.format, } -- set the right-hand padding to 0 spaces, if the rounded style is active C.p = (config.dividers == "rounded") and "" or " " -- set wezterm config options according to the parsed config c.use_fancy_tab_bar = false c.tab_bar_at_bottom = config.position == "bottom" c.tab_max_width = config.max_width end -- superscript/subscript local function numberStyle(number, script) local scripts = { superscript = { "⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹", }, subscript = { "₀", "₁", "₂", "₃", "₄", "₅", "₆", "₇", "₈", "₉", }, } local numbers = scripts[script] local number_string = tostring(number) local result = "" for i = 1, #number_string do local char = number_string:sub(i, i) local num = tonumber(char) if num then result = result .. numbers[num + 1] else result = result .. char end end return result end local roman_numerals = { "Ⅰ", "Ⅱ", "Ⅲ", "Ⅳ", "Ⅴ", "Ⅵ", "Ⅶ", "Ⅷ", "Ⅸ", "Ⅹ", "Ⅺ", "Ⅻ", } -- custom tab bar wezterm.on("format-tab-title", function(tab, tabs, _panes, conf, _hover, _max_width) local colours = conf.resolved_palette.tab_bar local active_tab_index = 0 for _, t in ipairs(tabs) do if t.is_active == true then active_tab_index = t.tab_index end end local rainbow = { conf.resolved_palette.ansi[2], conf.resolved_palette.indexed[16], conf.resolved_palette.ansi[4], conf.resolved_palette.ansi[3], conf.resolved_palette.ansi[5], conf.resolved_palette.ansi[6], } local i = tab.tab_index % 6 local active_bg = rainbow[i + 1] local active_fg = colours.background local inactive_bg = colours.inactive_tab.bg_color local inactive_fg = colours.inactive_tab.fg_color local new_tab_bg = colours.new_tab.bg_color local s_bg, s_fg, e_bg, e_fg -- the last tab if tab.tab_index == #tabs - 1 then if tab.is_active then s_bg = active_bg s_fg = active_fg e_bg = new_tab_bg e_fg = active_bg else s_bg = inactive_bg s_fg = inactive_fg e_bg = new_tab_bg e_fg = inactive_bg end elseif tab.tab_index == active_tab_index - 1 then s_bg = inactive_bg s_fg = inactive_fg e_bg = rainbow[(i + 1) % 6 + 1] e_fg = inactive_bg elseif tab.is_active then s_bg = active_bg s_fg = active_fg e_bg = inactive_bg e_fg = active_bg else s_bg = inactive_bg s_fg = inactive_fg e_bg = inactive_bg e_fg = inactive_bg end local pane_count = "" if C.tabs.pane_count_style then local tabi = wezterm.mux.get_tab(tab.tab_id) local muxpanes = tabi:panes() local count = #muxpanes == 1 and "" or tostring(#muxpanes) pane_count = numberStyle(count, C.tabs.pane_count_style) end local index_i if C.tabs.numerals == "roman" then index_i = roman_numerals[tab.tab_index + 1] else index_i = tab.tab_index + 1 end local index if tab.is_active then index = string.format("%s%s%s ", C.tabs.brackets.active[1], index_i, C.tabs.brackets.active[2]) else index = string.format("%s%s%s ", C.tabs.brackets.inactive[1], index_i, C.tabs.brackets.inactive[2]) end -- start and end hardcoded numbers are the Powerline + " " padding local fillerwidth = 2 + string.len(index) + string.len(pane_count) + 2 -- prefer renamed table titles to the default title local tabtitle = tab.tab_title if #tabtitle <= 0 then tabtitle = tab.active_pane.title end local width = conf.tab_max_width - fillerwidth - 1 if (#tabtitle + fillerwidth) > conf.tab_max_width then tabtitle = wezterm.truncate_right(tabtitle, width) .. "…" end local title = string.format(" %s%s%s%s", index, tabtitle, pane_count, C.p) return { { Background = { Color = s_bg } }, { Foreground = { Color = s_fg } }, { Text = title }, { Background = { Color = e_bg } }, { Foreground = { Color = e_fg } }, { Text = C.div.r }, } end) wezterm.on("update-status", function(window, _pane) local active_kt = window:active_key_table() ~= nil local show = C.leader.enabled or (active_kt and C.mode.enabled) if not show then window:set_left_status("") return end local present, conf = pcall(window.effective_config, window) if not present then return end local palette = conf.resolved_palette local leader = "" if C.leader.enabled then local leader_text = C.leader.off if window:leader_is_active() then leader_text = C.leader.on end leader = wezterm.format({ { Foreground = { Color = palette.background } }, { Background = { Color = palette.ansi[5] } }, { Text = " " .. leader_text .. C.p }, }) end local mode = "" if C.mode.enabled then local mode_text = "" local active = window:active_key_table() if C.mode.names[active] ~= nil then mode_text = C.mode.names[active] .. "" end mode = wezterm.format({ { Foreground = { Color = palette.background } }, { Background = { Color = palette.ansi[5] } }, { Attribute = { Intensity = "Bold" } }, { Text = mode_text }, "ResetAttributes", }) end local first_tab_active = window:mux_window():tabs_with_info()[1].is_active local divider_bg = first_tab_active and palette.ansi[2] or palette.tab_bar.inactive_tab.bg_color local divider = wezterm.format({ { Background = { Color = divider_bg } }, { Foreground = { Color = palette.ansi[5] } }, { Text = C.div.r }, }) window:set_left_status(leader .. mode .. divider) if C.clock.enabled then local time = wezterm.time.now():format(C.clock.format) window:set_right_status(wezterm.format({ { Background = { Color = palette.tab_bar.background } }, { Foreground = { Color = palette.ansi[6] } }, { Text = time }, })) end end) return M