2022-08-31 04:07:16 +02:00
import { lazy, LazyComponent, useAwaiter } from "../utils/misc";
import { findByDisplayName, Forms } from '../webpack';
import Plugins from 'plugins';
import { useSettings } from "../api/settings";
import { findByProps } from '../webpack/index';
import IpcEvents from "../utils/IpcEvents";
// Lazy spam because this is ran before React is a thing. Todo: Fix that and clean this up lmao
const SwitchItem = LazyComponent<React.PropsWithChildren<{
value: boolean;
onChange: (v: boolean) => void;
note?: string;
tooltipNote?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
}>>(() => findByDisplayName("SwitchItem").default);
const getButton = lazy(() => findByProps("ButtonLooks", "default"));
const Button = LazyComponent(() => getButton().default);
const getFlex = lazy(() => findByDisplayName("Flex"));
const Flex = LazyComponent(() => getFlex().default);
const FlexChild = LazyComponent(() => getFlex().default.Child);
const getMargins = lazy(() => findByProps("marginTop8", "marginBottom8"));
2022-08-30 01:42:47 +02:00
export default function Settings(props) {
2022-08-31 04:07:16 +02:00
const settingsDir = useAwaiter(() => VencordNative.ipc.invoke(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS_DIR), "Loading...");
const settings = useSettings();
return (
<Forms.FormSection tag="h1" title="Vencord">
<Forms.FormText>SettingsDir: {settingsDir}</Forms.FormText>
<Flex className={getMargins().marginTop8 + " " + getMargins().marginBottom8}>
onClick={() => VencordNative.ipc.invoke(IpcEvents.OPEN_PATH, settingsDir)}
disabled={settingsDir === "Loading..."}
Launch Directory
onClick={() => VencordNative.ipc.invoke(IpcEvents.OPEN_PATH, settingsDir + "/quickCss.css")}
disabled={settingsDir === "Loading..."}
Open QuickCSS File
<Forms.FormTitle tag="h5">Settings</Forms.FormTitle>
onChange={v => settings.unsafeRequire = v}
note="Enables VencordNative.require. Useful for testing, very bad for security. Leave this off unless you need it."
Enable Ensafe Require
<Forms.FormDivider />
<Forms.FormTitle tag="h5">Plugins</Forms.FormTitle>
{Plugins.map(p => (
disabled={p.required === true}
onChange={v => {
settings.plugins[p.name].enabled = v;
if (v) {
p.dependencies?.forEach(d => {
settings.plugins[d].enabled = true;
tooltipNote={p.required ? "This plugin is required. Thus you cannot disable it." : undefined}
</Forms.FormSection >
2022-08-30 01:42:47 +02:00