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import { startAll } from "../plugins";
import Logger from "./logger";
let webpackCache: typeof window.webpackChunkdiscord_app;
export const subscriptions = new Map<FilterFn, CallbackFn>();
export const listeners = new Set<CallbackFn>();
type FilterFn = (mod: any) => boolean;
type CallbackFn = (mod: any) => void;
export let Common: {
React: typeof import("react"),
FluxDispatcher: any;
UserStore: any;
} = {} as any;
export function _initWebpack(instance: typeof window.webpackChunkdiscord_app) {
if (webpackCache !== void 0) throw "no.";
webpackCache = instance.push([[Symbol()], {}, (r) => r.c]);
// Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
let started = false;
waitFor("getCurrentUser", x => Common.UserStore = x);
waitFor(["dispatch", "subscribe"], x => {
Common.FluxDispatcher = x;
const cb = () => {
console.info("Connection open");
x.unsubscribe("CONNECTION_OPEN", cb);
x.subscribe("CONNECTION_OPEN", cb);
waitFor("useState", x => Common.React = x);
export function find(filter: FilterFn, getDefault = true) {
if (typeof filter !== "function")
throw new Error("Invalid filter. Expected a function got", filter);
for (const key in webpackCache) {
const mod = webpackCache[key];
if (mod?.exports && filter(mod.exports))
return mod.exports;
if (mod?.exports?.default && filter(mod.exports.default))
return getDefault ? mod.exports.default : mod.exports;
return null;
export function findAll(filter: FilterFn, getDefault = true) {
if (typeof filter !== "function") throw new Error("Invalid filter. Expected a function got", filter);
const ret = [] as any[];
for (const key in webpackCache) {
const mod = webpackCache[key];
if (mod?.exports && filter(mod.exports)) ret.push(mod.exports);
if (mod?.exports?.default && filter(mod.exports.default)) ret.push(getDefault ? mod.exports.default : mod.exports);
return ret;
export const filters = {
byProps: (props: string[]): FilterFn =>
props.length === 1
? m => m[props[0]] !== void 0
: m => props.every(p => m[p] !== void 0),
byDisplayName: (deezNuts: string): FilterFn => m => m.default?.displayName === deezNuts
export function findByProps(...props: string[]) {
return find(filters.byProps(props));
export function findAllByProps(...props: string[]) {
return findAll(filters.byProps(props));
export function findByDisplayName(deezNuts: string) {
return find(filters.byDisplayName(deezNuts));
export function waitFor(filter: string | string[] | FilterFn, callback: CallbackFn) {
if (typeof filter === "string") filter = filters.byProps([filter]);
else if (Array.isArray(filter)) filter = filters.byProps(filter);
else if (typeof filter !== "function") throw new Error("filter must be a string, string[] or function, got", filter);
const existing = find(filter!);
if (existing) return void callback(existing);
subscriptions.set(filter, callback);
export function addListener(callback: CallbackFn) {
export function removeListener(callback: CallbackFn) {