mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 07:48:32 +00:00
Added bypassdnd
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 155 additions and 573 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
import { NavContextMenuPatchCallback, addContextMenuPatch, removeContextMenuPatch } from "@api/ContextMenu";
import { showNotification } from "@api/Notifications";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { DataStore } from "@api/index";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { ChannelStore, Menu, PrivateChannelsStore, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
import { Channel, Guild, Message, User } from "discord-types/general";
interface ContextProps {
channel: Channel;
user: User;
guild: Guild;
interface IMessageCreate {
optimistic: boolean;
isPushNotification: boolean;
channelId: string;
guildId: string;
message: Message;
const GuildContext: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, { guild }: ContextProps) => () => {
if (!guild) return;
children.splice(-1, 0, (
label={`${bypasses["guilds"].includes(guild.id) ? "Remove" : "Add"} DND Bypass`}
action={async () => {
if (bypasses["guilds"].includes(guild.id)) bypasses["guilds"] = await bypasses["guilds"].filter(id => id !== guild.id);
else bypasses["guilds"].push(guild.id);
await DataStore.set("bypassdnd", bypasses);
settings.store.guilds = (bypasses["guilds"].join(', '));
const ChannelContext: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, { channel }: ContextProps) => () => {
if (!channel) return;
children.splice(-1, 0, (
label={`${bypasses["channels"].includes(channel.id) ? "Remove" : "Add"} DND Bypass`}
action={async () => {
if (bypasses["channels"].includes(channel.id)) bypasses["channels"] = await bypasses["channels"].filter(id => id !== channel.id);
else bypasses["channels"].push(channel.id);
await DataStore.set("bypassdnd", bypasses);
settings.store.channels = (bypasses["channels"].join(', '));
const UserContext: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, { user }: ContextProps) => () => {
if (!user) return;
children.splice(-1, 0, (
label={`${bypasses["users"].includes(user.id) ? "Remove" : "Add"} DND Bypass`}
action={async () => {
if (bypasses["users"].includes(user.id)) bypasses["users"] = await bypasses["users"].filter(id => id !== user.id);
else bypasses["users"].push(user.id);
await DataStore.set("bypassdnd", bypasses);
settings.store.users = (bypasses["users"].join(', '));
let bypasses;
const settings = definePluginSettings({
guilds: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Guilds to let bypass (notified when pinged anywhere in guild)",
default: "",
placeholder: "Separate with commas",
onChange: async function (value) {
bypasses["guild"] = value.replace(/\s/g, '').split(',').filter(id => id.trim() !== '');
await DataStore.set("bypassdnd", bypasses);
channels: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Channels to let bypass (notified when pinged in that channel)",
default: "",
placeholder: "Separate with commas",
onChange: async function (value) {
bypasses["channels"] = value.replace(/\s/g, '').split(',').filter(id => id.trim() !== '');
await DataStore.set("bypassdnd", bypasses);
users: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Users to let bypass (notified for all messages)",
default: "",
placeholder: "Separate with commas",
onChange: async function (value) {
bypasses["users"] = value.replace(/\s/g, '').split(',').filter(id => id.trim() !== '');
await DataStore.set("bypassdnd", bypasses);
export default definePlugin({
name: "BypassDND",
description: "Still get notifications from specific sources.",
authors: [Devs.Inbestigator],
flux: {
async MESSAGE_CREATE({ optimistic, type, message, guildId, channelId }: IMessageCreate) {
if (optimistic || type !== "MESSAGE_CREATE") return;
if (message.state === "SENDING") return;
if (message.author.id === UserStore.getCurrentUser().id) return;
if (!message.content) return;
const { guilds, channels, users } = bypasses;
if ((guilds.includes(guildId) || channels.includes(channelId)) && (message.content.includes(`<@${UserStore.getCurrentUser().id}>`) || message.mentions.some(mention => mention.id === UserStore.getCurrentUser().id))) {
await showNotification({
title: `${message.author.username} sent a message in ${ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId).name}`,
body: message.content,
onClick: () => window.location.href = `https://discord.com/channels/${guildId}/${channelId}/${message.id}`
if (users.includes(message.author.id) && channelId === await PrivateChannelsStore.getOrEnsurePrivateChannel(message.author.id)) {
await showNotification({
title: `${message.author.username} sent a message in a DM`,
body: message.content,
onClick: () => window.location.href = `https://discord.com/channels/@me/${channelId}/${message.id}`
async start() {
addContextMenuPatch("guild-context", GuildContext);
addContextMenuPatch("channel-context", ChannelContext);
addContextMenuPatch("user-context", UserContext);
bypasses = await DataStore.get("bypassdnd") ?? { guilds: [], channels: [], users: [] };
await DataStore.set("bypassdnd", bypasses);
stop() {
removeContextMenuPatch("guild-context", GuildContext);
removeContextMenuPatch("channel-context", ChannelContext);
removeContextMenuPatch("user-context", UserContext);
@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
import { addChatBarButton, ChatBarButton } from "@api/ChatButtons";
import { removeButton } from "@api/MessagePopover";
import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
import * as DataStore from "@api/DataStore";
import { sleep } from "@utils/misc";
import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
import { addPreSendListener, removePreSendListener, SendListener } from "@api/MessageEvents";
import { useEffect, useState, FluxDispatcher, PrivateChannelsStore } from "@webpack/common";
import { generateKeys, encryptData, decryptData, formatPemKey } from "./rsa-utils";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import {
} from "@webpack/common";
import {
} from "@api/Commands";
import { Message } from "discord-types/general";
const MessageCreator = findByPropsLazy("createBotMessage");
const CloudUtils = findByPropsLazy("CloudUpload");
import { getCurrentChannel, openPrivateChannel } from "@utils/discord";
let enabled;
let setEnabled;
// Interface for Message Create
interface IMessageCreate {
optimistic: boolean;
isPushNotification: boolean;
channelId: string;
message: Message;
// Chat Bar Icon Component
const ChatBarIcon: ChatBarButton = ({ isMainChat }) => {
[enabled, setEnabled] = useState(false);
let [buttonDisabled, setButtonDisabled] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
const listener: SendListener = async (_, message) => {
if (enabled) {
const groupChannel = await DataStore.get('encryptcordChannelId');
if (getCurrentChannel().id !== groupChannel) {
sendBotMessage(getCurrentChannel().id, { content: `You must be in <#${groupChannel}> to send an encrypted message!\n> If you wish to send an unencrypted message, please click the button in the chatbar.` });
message.content = "";
const trimmedMessage = message.content.trim();
await MessageActions.receiveMessage(groupChannel, await createMessage(trimmedMessage, UserStore.getCurrentUser().id, groupChannel, 0));
const encryptcordGroupMembers = await DataStore.get('encryptcordGroupMembers');
const dmPromises = Object.keys(encryptcordGroupMembers).map(async (memberId) => {
const groupMember = await UserUtils.getUser(memberId).catch(() => null);
if (!groupMember) return;
const encryptedMessage = await encryptData(encryptcordGroupMembers[memberId].key, trimmedMessage);
const encryptedMessageString = JSON.stringify(encryptedMessage);
await sendTempMessage(groupMember.id, encryptedMessageString, `message`);
await Promise.all(dmPromises);
message.content = "";
return () => void removePreSendListener(listener);
}, [enabled]);
if (!isMainChat) return null;
return (
tooltip={enabled ? "Send Unencrypted Messages" : "Send Encrypted Messages"}
onClick={async () => {
if (await DataStore.get('encryptcordGroup') == false || (await DataStore.get('encryptcordChannelId') != getCurrentChannel().id)) {
await sendTempMessage(getCurrentChannel().id, "", `join\`\`\`\n${await DataStore.get("encryptcordPublicKey")}\`\`\``, false);
sendBotMessage(getCurrentChannel().id, { content: `*Checking for any groups in this channel...*\n> If none is found, a new one will be created <t:${Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 5}:R>\n> [Tip] You can do \`/encryptcord leave\` to leave a group` });
await sleep(5000);
if (await DataStore.get('encryptcordGroup') == true && (await DataStore.get('encryptcordChannelId') != getCurrentChannel().id)) {
sendBotMessage(getCurrentChannel().id, { content: "*Leaving current group...*" });
await leave("", { channel: { id: await DataStore.get('encryptcordChannelId') } });
} else if (await DataStore.get('encryptcordGroup') == true) {
await startGroup("", { channel: { id: getCurrentChannel().id } });
style: {
transition: 'transform 0.3s ease-in-out',
transform: `rotate(${enabled ? 0 : 15}deg)`,
disabled: buttonDisabled
viewBox="0 0 129 171"
{!enabled && <>
<mask id="encordBarIcon">
d="M128.93 149.231V74.907a21.142 21.142 0 00-6.195-15.1 21.165 21.165 0 00-15.101-6.195h-1.085V40.918A40.604 40.604 0 0042.214 8.065 40.602 40.602 0 0026.28 32.318h15.972a25.164 25.164 0 0128.043-15.94 25.166 25.166 0 0120.691 24.745v12.694H22.184A21.276 21.276 0 00.89 75.111v74.325a21.27 21.27 0 0013.143 19.679 21.273 21.273 0 008.152 1.615h85.388a21.455 21.455 0 0015.083-6.357 21.453 21.453 0 006.213-15.142h.062zm-63.888-15.765a21.296 21.296 0 01-15.058-36.352 21.296 21.296 0 0136.354 15.057 21.151 21.151 0 01-21.296 21.295z"
d="M129.497 149.264V75.001a21.27 21.27 0 00-21.295-21.294h-3.072V41.012a41.079 41.079 0 00-1.024-8.6A40.62 40.62 0 0070.729 1.087 5.673 5.673 0 0168.886.88h-.204c-.615 0-1.23-.205-1.844-.205h-4.095A5.672 5.672 0 0060.9.881h-.204a5.672 5.672 0 00-1.843.205A40.627 40.627 0 0025.27 32.413h.205a41.092 41.092 0 00-1.024 8.6v12.694h-3.133A21.153 21.153 0 00.023 75v74.325a21.415 21.415 0 0021.296 21.294h87.231a21.336 21.336 0 0020.886-21.294l.061-.062zm-64.91-15.97a21.317 21.317 0 01-22.069-24.804 21.316 21.316 0 0142.34 3.509 21.355 21.355 0 01-20.272 21.295zm25.185-79.649H39.604V40.951a24.283 24.283 0 016.963-17.2 25.351 25.351 0 0116.79-7.78h2.663a25.31 25.31 0 0123.752 25.184v12.49z"
// Export Plugin
export default definePlugin({
name: "Encryptcord",
description: "End-to-end encryption in Discord!",
authors: [Devs.Inbestigator],
dependencies: ["CommandsAPI"],
patches: [
find: "executeMessageComponentInteraction:",
replacement: {
match: /await\s+l\.default\.post\({\s*url:\s*A\.Endpoints\.INTERACTIONS,\s*body:\s*C,\s*timeout:\s*3e3\s*},\s*t\s*=>\s*{\s*h\(T,\s*p,\s*f,\s*t\)\s*}\s*\)/,
replace: 'await $self.joinGroup(C);$&'
async joinGroup(interaction) {
const sender = await UserUtils.getUser(interaction.application_id).catch(() => null);
if (!sender || (sender.bot == true && sender.id != "1")) return;
if (interaction.data.component_type != 2) return;
switch (interaction.data.custom_id) {
case "removeFromSelf":
await handleLeaving(sender.id, await DataStore.get("encryptcordGroupMembers") ?? {}, interaction.channel_id);
await sendTempMessage(sender.id, "", "leaving");
channelId: interaction.channel_id,
id: interaction.message_id,
mlDeleted: true
case "createGroup":
await leave("", { channel: { id: interaction.channel_id } });
await startGroup("", { channel: { id: interaction.channel_id } });
flux: {
async MESSAGE_CREATE({ optimistic, type, message, channelId }: IMessageCreate) {
if (optimistic || type !== "MESSAGE_CREATE") return;
if (message.state === "SENDING") return;
if (message.author.id == UserStore.getCurrentUser().id) return;
if (!message.content) return;
const encryptcordGroupMembers = await DataStore.get('encryptcordGroupMembers');
if (!Object.keys(encryptcordGroupMembers).some(key => key == message.author.id)) {
switch (message.content.toLowerCase().split("```")[0]) {
case "groupdata":
const response = await fetch(message.attachments[0].url);
const groupdata = await response.json();
await handleGroupData(groupdata);
case "join":
if (encryptcordGroupMembers[UserStore.getCurrentUser().id].child) return;
if (!await DataStore.get("encryptcordGroup")) return;
const sender = await UserUtils.getUser(message.author.id).catch(() => null);
if (!sender) return;
const userKey = message.content.split("```")[1];
await handleJoin(sender.id, userKey, encryptcordGroupMembers);
const dmChannelId = await PrivateChannelsStore.getOrEnsurePrivateChannel(message.author.id);
if (channelId !== dmChannelId) return;
const sender = await UserUtils.getUser(message.author.id).catch(() => null);
if (!sender) return;
const groupChannel = await DataStore.get('encryptcordChannelId');
switch (message.content.toLowerCase()) {
case "leaving":
handleLeaving(sender.id, encryptcordGroupMembers, groupChannel);
case "message":
const msgResponse = await fetch(message.attachments[0].url);
const messagedata = await msgResponse.json();
await handleMessage(messagedata, sender.id, groupChannel);
case "groupdata":
const response = await fetch(message.attachments[0].url);
const groupdata = await response.json();
await handleGroupData(groupdata);
commands: [
name: "encryptcord",
description: "End-to-end encryption in Discord!",
options: [
name: "leave",
description: "Leave current group",
options: [],
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SUB_COMMAND,
name: "data",
description: "View your keys and current group members",
options: [],
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SUB_COMMAND,
inputType: ApplicationCommandInputType.BOT,
execute: (opts, ctx) => {
switch (opts[0].name) {
case "start":
startGroup(opts[0].options, ctx);
case "leave":
leave(opts[0].options, ctx);
case "data":
data(opts[0].options, ctx);
async start() {
addChatBarButton("Encryptcord", ChatBarIcon);
const pair = await generateKeys();
await DataStore.set('encryptcordPublicKey', pair.publicKey);
await DataStore.set('encryptcordPrivateKey', pair.privateKey);
if (await DataStore.get("encryptcordGroup") == true) {
await leave("", { channel: { id: await DataStore.get("encryptcordChannelId") } });
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroup', false);
await DataStore.set('encryptcordChannelId', "");
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroupMembers', {});
async stop() {
if (await DataStore.get("encryptcordGroup") == true) {
await leave("", { channel: { id: await DataStore.get("encryptcordChannelId") } });
// Send Temporary Message
async function sendTempMessage(recipientId: string, attachment: string, content: string, dm: boolean = true) {
if (recipientId == UserStore.getCurrentUser().id) return;
const dmChannelId = dm ? await PrivateChannelsStore.getOrEnsurePrivateChannel(recipientId) : recipientId;
if (attachment && attachment != "") {
const upload = await new CloudUtils.CloudUpload({
file: new File([new Blob([attachment])], "file.text", { type: "text/plain; charset=utf-8" }),
isClip: false,
isThumbnail: false,
platform: 1,
}, dmChannelId, false, 0);
upload.on("complete", async () => {
const messageId = await RestAPI.post({
url: `/channels/${dmChannelId}/messages`,
body: {
attachments: [{
id: "0",
filename: upload.filename,
uploaded_filename: upload.uploadedFilename,
nonce: SnowflakeUtils.fromTimestamp(Date.now()),
}).then((response) => response.body.id);
await sleep(500);
url: `/channels/${dmChannelId}/messages/${messageId}`
await upload.upload();
const messageId = await RestAPI.post({
url: `/channels/${dmChannelId}/messages`,
body: {
nonce: SnowflakeUtils.fromTimestamp(Date.now()),
}).then((response) => response.body.id);
await sleep(500);
url: `/channels/${dmChannelId}/messages/${messageId}`
// Handle leaving group
async function handleLeaving(senderId: string, encryptcordGroupMembers: object, groupChannel: string) {
const updatedMembers = Object.keys(encryptcordGroupMembers).reduce((result, memberId) => {
if (memberId !== senderId) {
result[memberId] = encryptcordGroupMembers[memberId];
if (result[memberId].child == senderId) {
result[memberId].child = encryptcordGroupMembers[senderId].child;
if (result[memberId].parent == senderId) {
result[memberId].parent = encryptcordGroupMembers[senderId].parent;
return result;
}, {});
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroupMembers', updatedMembers);
await MessageActions.receiveMessage(groupChannel, await createMessage("", senderId, groupChannel, 2));
// Handle receiving message
async function handleMessage(message, senderId: string, groupChannel: string) {
const decryptedMessage = await decryptData(await DataStore.get("encryptcordPrivateKey"), message);
await MessageActions.receiveMessage(groupChannel, await createMessage(decryptedMessage, senderId, groupChannel, 0));
// Handle receiving group data
async function handleGroupData(groupData) {
await DataStore.set('encryptcordChannelId', groupData.channel);
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroupMembers', groupData.members);
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroup', true);
await MessageActions.receiveMessage(groupData.channel, await createMessage("", UserStore.getCurrentUser().id, groupData.channel, 7));
// Handle joining group
async function handleJoin(senderId: string, senderKey: string, encryptcordGroupMembers: object) {
encryptcordGroupMembers[senderId] = { key: senderKey, parent: UserStore.getCurrentUser().id, child: null };
encryptcordGroupMembers[UserStore.getCurrentUser().id].child = senderId;
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroupMembers', encryptcordGroupMembers);
const groupChannel = await DataStore.get('encryptcordChannelId');
const newMember = await UserUtils.getUser(senderId).catch(() => null);
if (!newMember) return;
const membersData = {};
.forEach(([memberId, value]) => {
membersData[memberId] = value;
const membersDataString = JSON.stringify({ members: membersData, channel: groupChannel });
const dmPromises = Object.keys(encryptcordGroupMembers).map(async (memberId) => {
const groupMember = await UserUtils.getUser(memberId).catch(() => null);
if (!groupMember) return;
await sendTempMessage(groupMember.id, membersDataString, `groupdata`);
await Promise.all(dmPromises);
await MessageActions.receiveMessage(groupChannel, {
...await createMessage("", senderId, groupChannel, 7), components: [{
type: 1,
components: [{
type: 2,
style: 4,
label: 'I don\'t want to talk to you!',
custom_id: 'removeFromSelf'
type: 2,
style: 2,
label: '(Other users can still send/receive messages to/from them)',
disabled: true,
custom_id: 'encryptcord'
// Create message for group
async function createMessage(message: string, senderId: string, channelId: string, type: number) {
const messageStart = MessageCreator.createBotMessage({ channelId, content: "", embeds: [] });
const sender = await UserUtils.getUser(senderId).catch(() => null);
if (!sender) return;
return { ...messageStart, content: message, author: sender, type, flags: 0 };
// Start E2EE Group
async function startGroup(opts, ctx) {
const channelId = ctx.channel.id;
await DataStore.set('encryptcordChannelId', channelId);
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroupMembers', {
[UserStore.getCurrentUser().id]: { key: await DataStore.get("encryptcordPublicKey"), parent: null, child: null }
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroup', true);
sendBotMessage(channelId, { content: "Group created!\n> Other users can click the lock icon to join." });
await MessageActions.receiveMessage(channelId, await createMessage("", UserStore.getCurrentUser().id, channelId, 7));
// Leave the Group;
async function leave(opts, ctx) {
const channelId = ctx.channel.id;
if (!(await DataStore.get('encryptcordGroup'))) {
sendBotMessage(channelId, { content: `You're not in a group!` });
const user = UserStore.getCurrentUser();
const encryptcordGroupMembers = await DataStore.get('encryptcordGroupMembers');
const dmPromises = Object.keys(encryptcordGroupMembers).map(async (memberId) => {
const groupMember = await UserUtils.getUser(memberId).catch(() => null);
if (!groupMember) return;
await sendTempMessage(groupMember.id, "", `leaving`);
await Promise.all(dmPromises);
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroup', false);
await DataStore.set('encryptcordChannelId', "");
await DataStore.set('encryptcordGroupMembers', {});
await MessageActions.receiveMessage(channelId, await createMessage("", user.id, channelId, 2));
// View user data
async function data(opts, ctx) {
const channelId = ctx.channel.id;
const encryptcordGroupMembers = await DataStore.get('encryptcordGroupMembers');
const encryptcordPublicKey = await DataStore.get('encryptcordPublicKey');
const encryptcordPrivateKey = await DataStore.get('encryptcordPrivateKey');
const exportedPrivateKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("pkcs8", encryptcordPrivateKey);
const groupMembers = Object.keys(encryptcordGroupMembers);
sendBotMessage(channelId, {
content: `## Public key:\n\`\`\`${encryptcordPublicKey}\`\`\`\n## Private key:\n||\`\`\`${formatPemKey(exportedPrivateKey, "private")}\`\`\`||*(DO **NOT** SHARE THIS)*\n## Group members:\n\`\`\`json\n${JSON.stringify(groupMembers)}\`\`\``
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
export const generateKeys = async () => {
const keyPair = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
name: "RSA-OAEP",
modulusLength: 4096,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]),
hash: "SHA-256",
["encrypt", "decrypt"]
const exportedPublicKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("spki", keyPair.publicKey);
const publicKey = formatPemKey(exportedPublicKey, "public");
return { privateKey: keyPair.privateKey, publicKey };
export const encryptData = async (pemPublicKey, data) => {
const publicKey = await importPemPublicKey(pemPublicKey);
const chunkSize = 446;
const encryptedChunks: any[] = [];
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += chunkSize) {
const chunk = await data.substring(i, i + chunkSize);
const encryptedChunk = await crypto.subtle.encrypt(
name: "RSA-OAEP",
return encryptedChunks;
export const decryptData = async (privateKey, encArray) => {
const decryptionPromises = encArray.map(async (encStr) => {
const encBuffer = base64ToArrayBuffer(encStr);
const dec = await crypto.subtle.decrypt(
name: "RSA-OAEP",
return new TextDecoder().decode(dec);
const decryptedMessages = await Promise.all(decryptionPromises);
return decryptedMessages.join('');
// Helper functions
const arrayBufferToBase64 = (buffer) => {
const binary = String.fromCharCode(...new Uint8Array(buffer));
return btoa(binary);
const base64ToArrayBuffer = (base64String) => {
const binaryString = atob(base64String);
const length = binaryString.length;
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(length);
const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
view[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
return buffer;
export const formatPemKey = (keyData, type) => {
const base64Key = arrayBufferToBase64(keyData);
return `-----BEGIN ${type.toUpperCase()} KEY-----\n` + base64Key + `\n-----END ${type.toUpperCase()} KEY----- `;
const importPemPublicKey = async (pemKey) => {
try {
const trimmedPemKey = pemKey.trim();
const keyBody = trimmedPemKey
.replace("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", "")
.replace("-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "");
const binaryDer = atob(keyBody);
const arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(binaryDer.length);
for (let i = 0; i < binaryDer.length; i++) {
arrayBuffer[i] = binaryDer.charCodeAt(i);
return await crypto.subtle.importKey(
name: "RSA-OAEP",
hash: { name: "SHA-256" },
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error importing PEM public key:", error);
throw error;
Add table
Reference in a new issue