mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 15:05:11 +00:00
add ui and stuffs
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 318 additions and 100 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
"extends": "stylelint-config-standard",
"rules": {
"indentation": 4
"indentation": 4,
"selector-class-pattern": [
"message": "Expected class selector to be kebab-case with camelCase segments"
@ -18,26 +18,23 @@ export const enum OverrideFlags {
export interface UserOverride {
username: string;
avatarUrl: string | null;
bannerUrl: string | null;
avatarUrl: string;
bannerUrl: string;
flags: OverrideFlags;
export function makeBlankUserOverride(): UserOverride {
return {
username: "",
avatarUrl: "",
bannerUrl: "",
flags: OverrideFlags.None,
const emptyConstantOverride = makeBlankUserOverride();
export const emptyOverride: UserOverride = Object.freeze({
username: "",
avatarUrl: "",
bannerUrl: "",
flags: OverrideFlags.None,
export const settings = definePluginSettings({})
users?: Record<string, UserOverride>;
export const getUserOverride = (userId: string) => settings.store.users?.[userId] ?? emptyConstantOverride;
export const getUserOverride = (userId: string) => settings.store.users?.[userId] ?? emptyOverride;
export const hasFlag = (field: OverrideFlags, flag: OverrideFlags) => (field & flag) === flag;
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import "./styles.css";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
import { Menu } from "@webpack/common";
@ -12,8 +14,6 @@ import { User } from "discord-types/general";
import { getUserOverride, hasFlag, OverrideFlags, settings } from "./data";
import { openUserEditModal } from "./modal";
export default definePlugin({
name: "EditUsers",
description: "Edit users",
@ -4,40 +4,167 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles";
import { Flex } from "@components/Flex";
import { ModalCloseButton, ModalContent, ModalFooter, ModalHeader, ModalRoot, openModal } from "@utils/modal";
import { Button, Text } from "@webpack/common";
import { Margins } from "@utils/margins";
import { ModalCloseButton, ModalContent, ModalFooter, ModalHeader, ModalProps, ModalRoot, ModalSize, openModal } from "@utils/modal";
import { Button, DisplayProfileUtils, showToast, Switch, TabBar, Text, TextInput, Toasts, UsernameUtils, useState } from "@webpack/common";
import { User } from "discord-types/general";
import type { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from "react";
function EditModal({ user }: { user: User; }) {
// TODO trolley
return null;
import { emptyOverride, hasFlag, OverrideFlags, settings, UserOverride } from "./data";
const cl = classNameFactory("vc-editUsers-");
interface OverrideProps {
override: UserOverride;
setOverride: Dispatch<SetStateAction<UserOverride>>;
export function openUserEditModal(user) {
openModal(props => (
<ModalRoot {...props}>
interface SettingsRowProps extends OverrideProps {
overrideKey: keyof Omit<UserOverride, "flags">;
name: string;
flagDisable: OverrideFlags;
flagPrefer: OverrideFlags;
placeholder: string;
function SettingsRow(props: SettingsRowProps) {
const { name, override, setOverride, overrideKey, placeholder, flagDisable, flagPrefer } = props;
const namePlural = name + "s";
const { flags } = override;
const toggleFlag = (on: boolean, flag: OverrideFlags) =>
? flags | flag
: flags & ~flag;
return (
onChange={v => setOverride(o => ({ ...o, [overrideKey]: v }))}
value={hasFlag(flags, flagDisable)}
onChange={v => setOverride(o => ({ ...o, flags: toggleFlag(v, flagDisable) }))}
note={`Will use the user's global ${name} (or your EditUser configured ${name}) over server specific ${namePlural}`}
Disable server specific {namePlural}
value={hasFlag(flags, flagPrefer)}
onChange={v => setOverride(o => ({ ...o, flags: toggleFlag(v, flagPrefer) }))}
note={`Will use server specific ${namePlural} over the EditUser configured ${name}`}
Prefer server specific {namePlural}
const Tabs = {
username: {
name: "Username",
flagDisable: OverrideFlags.DisableNicks,
flagPrefer: OverrideFlags.PreferServerNicks,
placeholder: (user: User) => UsernameUtils.getName(user),
avatarUrl: {
name: "Avatar",
flagDisable: OverrideFlags.DisableServerAvatars,
flagPrefer: OverrideFlags.KeepServerAvatar,
placeholder: (user: User) => user.getAvatarURL(),
bannerUrl: {
name: "Banner",
flagDisable: OverrideFlags.DisableServerBanners,
flagPrefer: OverrideFlags.KeepServerBanner,
placeholder: (user: User) => DisplayProfileUtils.getDisplayProfile(user.id)?.getBannerURL({ canAnimate: true, size: 64 }) ?? "",
} as const;
const TabKeys = Object.keys(Tabs) as (keyof typeof Tabs)[];
function EditTabs({ user, override, setOverride }: { user: User; } & OverrideProps) {
const [currentTabName, setCurrentTabName] = useState(TabKeys[0]);
const currentTab = Tabs[currentTabName];
return (
{TabKeys.map(key => (
function EditModal({ user, modalProps }: { user: User; modalProps: ModalProps; }) {
const [override, setOverride] = useState(() => ({ ...settings.store.users?.[user.id] ?? emptyOverride }));
return (
<ModalRoot {...modalProps} size={ModalSize.MEDIUM}>
<Text variant="heading-lg/semibold" style={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>Notification Log</Text>
<ModalCloseButton onClick={props.onClose} />
<Text variant="heading-lg/semibold" style={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>Edit User {user.username}</Text>
<ModalCloseButton onClick={modalProps.onClose} />
<EditModal user={user} />
<div className={cl("modal")}>
<EditTabs user={user} override={override} setOverride={setOverride} />
onClick={() => setOverride({ ...emptyOverride })}
Reset Settings
Reset All
onClick={() => {
const s = settings.store.users ??= {};
s[user.id] = override;
showToast("Saved! Switch chats for changes to apply everywhere", Toasts.Type.SUCCESS, { position: Toasts.Position.BOTTOM });
export function openUserEditModal(user: User) {
openModal(props => <EditModal user={user} modalProps={props} />);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.vc-editUsers-modal {
padding: 1em 0;
.vc-editUsers-tabBar {
gap: 1em;
margin-bottom: 16px;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--background-modifier-accent);
.vc-editUsers-tab {
padding-bottom: 8px;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { DevsById } from "./constants";
* Calls .join(" ") on the arguments
* classes("one", "two") => "one two"
export function classes(...classes: Array<string | null | undefined>) {
export function classes(...classes: Array<string | null | undefined | false>) {
return classes.filter(Boolean).join(" ");
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import { Guild, GuildMember } from "discord-types/general";
import { Guild, GuildMember, User } from "discord-types/general";
import type { ReactNode } from "react";
import { LiteralUnion } from "type-fest";
@ -256,3 +256,63 @@ export interface PopoutActions {
close(key: string): void;
setAlwaysOnTop(key: string, alwaysOnTop: boolean): void;
export type UserNameUtilsTagInclude = LiteralUnion<"auto" | "always" | "never", string>;
export interface UserNameUtilsTagOptions {
forcePomelo?: boolean;
identifiable?: UserNameUtilsTagInclude;
decoration?: UserNameUtilsTagInclude;
mode?: "full" | "username";
export interface UsernameUtils {
getGlobalName(user: User): string;
getFormattedName(user: User, useTagInsteadOfUsername?: boolean): string;
getName(user: User): string;
useName(user: User): string;
getUserTag(user: User, options?: UserNameUtilsTagOptions): string;
useUserTag(user: User, options?: UserNameUtilsTagOptions): string;
useDirectMessageRecipient: any;
humanizeStatus: any;
export class DisplayProfile {
userId: string;
banner?: string;
bio?: string;
pronouns?: string;
accentColor?: number;
themeColors?: number[];
popoutAnimationParticleType?: any;
profileEffectId?: string;
_userProfile?: any;
_guildMemberProfile?: any;
canUsePremiumProfileCustomization: boolean;
canEditThemes: boolean;
premiumGuildSince: Date | null;
premiumSince: Date | null;
premiumType?: number;
primaryColor?: number;
getBadges(): Array<{
id: string;
description: string;
icon: string;
link?: string;
getBannerURL(options: { canAnimate: boolean; size: number; }): string;
getLegacyUsername(): string | null;
hasFullProfile(): boolean;
hasPremiumCustomization(): boolean;
hasThemeColors(): boolean;
isUsingGuildMemberBanner(): boolean;
isUsingGuildMemberBio(): boolean;
isUsingGuildMemberPronouns(): boolean;
export interface DisplayProfileUtils {
getDisplayProfile(userId: string, guildId?: string, customStores?: any): DisplayProfile | null;
useDisplayProfile(userId: string, guildId?: string, customStores?: any): DisplayProfile | null;
@ -73,6 +73,25 @@ const ToastPosition = {
export interface ToastData {
message: string,
id: string,
* Toasts.Type
type: number,
options?: ToastOptions;
export interface ToastOptions {
* Toasts.Position
position?: number;
component?: React.ReactNode,
duration?: number;
export const Toasts = {
Type: ToastType,
Position: ToastPosition,
@ -81,23 +100,9 @@ export const Toasts = {
// hack to merge with the following interface, dunno if there's a better way
...{} as {
show(data: {
message: string,
id: string,
* Toasts.Type
type: number,
options?: {
* Toasts.Position
position?: number;
component?: React.ReactNode,
duration?: number;
}): void;
show(data: ToastData): void;
pop(): void;
create(message: string, type: number, options?: ToastOptions): ToastData;
@ -105,18 +110,15 @@ export const Toasts = {
waitFor("showToast", m => {
Toasts.show = m.showToast;
Toasts.pop = m.popToast;
Toasts.create = m.createToast;
* Show a simple toast. If you need more options, use Toasts.show manually
export function showToast(message: string, type = ToastType.MESSAGE) {
id: Toasts.genId(),
export function showToast(message: string, type = ToastType.MESSAGE, options?: ToastOptions) {
Toasts.show(Toasts.create(message, type, options));
export const UserUtils = {
@ -172,3 +174,9 @@ export const PopoutActions: t.PopoutActions = mapMangledModuleLazy('type:"POPOUT
close: filters.byCode('type:"POPOUT_WINDOW_CLOSE"'),
setAlwaysOnTop: filters.byCode('type:"POPOUT_WINDOW_SET_ALWAYS_ON_TOP"'),
export const UsernameUtils: t.UsernameUtils = findByPropsLazy("useName", "getGlobalName");
export const DisplayProfileUtils: t.DisplayProfileUtils = mapMangledModuleLazy(/=\i\.getUserProfile\(\i\),\i=\i\.getGuildMemberProfile\(/, {
getDisplayProfile: filters.byCode(".getGuildMemberProfile("),
useDisplayProfile: filters.byCode(/\[\i\.\i,\i\.\i],\(\)=>/)
@ -38,31 +38,43 @@ export let cache: WebpackInstance["c"];
export type FilterFn = (mod: any) => boolean;
type PropsFilter = Array<string>;
type CodeFilter = Array<string | RegExp>;
type StoreNameFilter = string;
const stringMatches = (s: string, filter: CodeFilter) =>
filter.every(f =>
typeof f === "string"
? s.includes(f)
: f.test(s)
export const filters = {
byProps: (...props: string[]): FilterFn =>
byProps: (...props: PropsFilter): FilterFn =>
props.length === 1
? m => m[props[0]] !== void 0
: m => props.every(p => m[p] !== void 0),
byCode: (...code: string[]): FilterFn => m => {
if (typeof m !== "function") return false;
const s = Function.prototype.toString.call(m);
for (const c of code) {
if (!s.includes(c)) return false;
return true;
byCode: (...code: CodeFilter): FilterFn => {
code = code.map(canonicalizeMatch);
return m => {
if (typeof m !== "function") return false;
return stringMatches(Function.prototype.toString.call(m), code);
byStoreName: (name: string): FilterFn => m =>
byStoreName: (name: StoreNameFilter): FilterFn => m =>
m.constructor?.displayName === name,
componentByCode: (...code: string[]): FilterFn => {
componentByCode: (...code: CodeFilter): FilterFn => {
const filter = filters.byCode(...code);
return m => {
if (filter(m)) return true;
if (!m.$$typeof) return false;
if (m.type && m.type.render) return filter(m.type.render); // memo + forwardRef
if (m.type) return filter(m.type); // memos
if (m.render) return filter(m.render); // forwardRefs
if (m.type)
return m.type.render
? filter(m.type.render) // memo + forwardRef
: filter(m.type); // memo
if (m.render) return filter(m.render); // forwardRef
return false;
@ -245,15 +257,9 @@ export const findBulk = traceFunction("findBulk", function findBulk(...filterFns
* Find the id of the first module factory that includes all the given code
* @returns string or null
export const findModuleId = traceFunction("findModuleId", function findModuleId(...code: string[]) {
export const findModuleId = traceFunction("findModuleId", function findModuleId(...code: CodeFilter) {
for (const id in wreq.m) {
const str = wreq.m[id].toString();
for (const c of code) {
if (!str.includes(c)) continue outer;
return id;
if (stringMatches(wreq.m[id].toString(), code)) return id;
const err = new Error("Didn't find module with code(s):\n" + code.join("\n"));
@ -272,7 +278,7 @@ export const findModuleId = traceFunction("findModuleId", function findModuleId(
* Find the first module factory that includes all the given code
* @returns The module factory or null
export function findModuleFactory(...code: string[]) {
export function findModuleFactory(...code: CodeFilter) {
const id = findModuleId(...code);
if (!id) return null;
@ -325,7 +331,7 @@ export function findLazy(filter: FilterFn) {
* Find the first module that has the specified properties
export function findByProps(...props: string[]) {
export function findByProps(...props: PropsFilter) {
const res = find(filters.byProps(...props), { isIndirect: true });
if (!res)
handleModuleNotFound("findByProps", ...props);
@ -335,7 +341,7 @@ export function findByProps(...props: string[]) {
* Find the first module that has the specified properties, lazily
export function findByPropsLazy(...props: string[]) {
export function findByPropsLazy(...props: PropsFilter) {
if (IS_REPORTER) lazyWebpackSearchHistory.push(["findByProps", props]);
return proxyLazy(() => findByProps(...props));
@ -344,7 +350,7 @@ export function findByPropsLazy(...props: string[]) {
* Find the first function that includes all the given code
export function findByCode(...code: string[]) {
export function findByCode(...code: CodeFilter) {
const res = find(filters.byCode(...code), { isIndirect: true });
if (!res)
handleModuleNotFound("findByCode", ...code);
@ -354,7 +360,7 @@ export function findByCode(...code: string[]) {
* Find the first function that includes all the given code, lazily
export function findByCodeLazy(...code: string[]) {
export function findByCodeLazy(...code: CodeFilter) {
if (IS_REPORTER) lazyWebpackSearchHistory.push(["findByCode", code]);
return proxyLazy(() => findByCode(...code));
@ -363,7 +369,7 @@ export function findByCodeLazy(...code: string[]) {
* Find a store by its displayName
export function findStore(name: string) {
export function findStore(name: StoreNameFilter) {
const res = find(filters.byStoreName(name), { isIndirect: true });
if (!res)
handleModuleNotFound("findStore", name);
@ -373,7 +379,7 @@ export function findStore(name: string) {
* Find a store by its displayName, lazily
export function findStoreLazy(name: string) {
export function findStoreLazy(name: StoreNameFilter) {
if (IS_REPORTER) lazyWebpackSearchHistory.push(["findStore", [name]]);
return proxyLazy(() => findStore(name));
@ -382,7 +388,7 @@ export function findStoreLazy(name: string) {
* Finds the component which includes all the given code. Checks for plain components, memos and forwardRefs
export function findComponentByCode(...code: string[]) {
export function findComponentByCode(...code: CodeFilter) {
const res = find(filters.componentByCode(...code), { isIndirect: true });
if (!res)
handleModuleNotFound("findComponentByCode", ...code);
@ -407,7 +413,7 @@ export function findComponentLazy<T extends object = any>(filter: FilterFn) {
* Finds the first component that includes all the given code, lazily
export function findComponentByCodeLazy<T extends object = any>(...code: string[]) {
export function findComponentByCodeLazy<T extends object = any>(...code: CodeFilter) {
if (IS_REPORTER) lazyWebpackSearchHistory.push(["findComponentByCode", code]);
return LazyComponent<T>(() => {
@ -421,7 +427,7 @@ export function findComponentByCodeLazy<T extends object = any>(...code: string[
* Finds the first component that is exported by the first prop name, lazily
export function findExportedComponentLazy<T extends object = any>(...props: string[]) {
export function findExportedComponentLazy<T extends object = any>(...props: PropsFilter) {
if (IS_REPORTER) lazyWebpackSearchHistory.push(["findExportedComponent", props]);
return LazyComponent<T>(() => {
@ -445,10 +451,13 @@ export function findExportedComponentLazy<T extends object = any>(...props: stri
* closeModal: filters.byCode("key==")
* })
export const mapMangledModule = traceFunction("mapMangledModule", function mapMangledModule<S extends string>(code: string, mappers: Record<S, FilterFn>): Record<S, any> {
export const mapMangledModule = traceFunction("mapMangledModule", function mapMangledModule<S extends string>(code: string | RegExp | CodeFilter, mappers: Record<S, FilterFn>): Record<S, any> {
if (!Array.isArray(code)) code = [code];
code = code.map(canonicalizeMatch);
const exports = {} as Record<S, any>;
const id = findModuleId(code);
const id = findModuleId(...code);
if (id === null)
return exports;
@ -482,7 +491,7 @@ export const mapMangledModule = traceFunction("mapMangledModule", function mapMa
* closeModal: filters.byCode("key==")
* })
export function mapMangledModuleLazy<S extends string>(code: string, mappers: Record<S, FilterFn>): Record<S, any> {
export function mapMangledModuleLazy<S extends string>(code: string | RegExp | CodeFilter, mappers: Record<S, FilterFn>): Record<S, any> {
if (IS_REPORTER) lazyWebpackSearchHistory.push(["mapMangledModule", [code, mappers]]);
return proxyLazy(() => mapMangledModule(code, mappers));
@ -497,7 +506,7 @@ export const ChunkIdsRegex = /\("([^"]+?)"\)/g;
* @param matcher A RegExp that returns the chunk ids array as the first capture group and the entry point id as the second. Defaults to a matcher that captures the first lazy chunk loading found in the module factory
* @returns A promise that resolves with a boolean whether the chunks were loaded
export async function extractAndLoadChunks(code: string[], matcher: RegExp = DefaultExtractAndLoadChunksRegex) {
export async function extractAndLoadChunks(code: CodeFilter, matcher: RegExp = DefaultExtractAndLoadChunksRegex) {
const module = findModuleFactory(...code);
if (!module) {
const err = new Error("extractAndLoadChunks: Couldn't find module factory");
@ -562,7 +571,7 @@ export async function extractAndLoadChunks(code: string[], matcher: RegExp = Def
* @param matcher A RegExp that returns the chunk ids array as the first capture group and the entry point id as the second. Defaults to a matcher that captures the first lazy chunk loading found in the module factory
* @returns A function that returns a promise that resolves with a boolean whether the chunks were loaded, on first call
export function extractAndLoadChunksLazy(code: string[], matcher = DefaultExtractAndLoadChunksRegex) {
export function extractAndLoadChunksLazy(code: CodeFilter, matcher = DefaultExtractAndLoadChunksRegex) {
if (IS_REPORTER) lazyWebpackSearchHistory.push(["extractAndLoadChunks", [code, matcher]]);
return makeLazy(() => extractAndLoadChunks(code, matcher));
@ -572,7 +581,7 @@ export function extractAndLoadChunksLazy(code: string[], matcher = DefaultExtrac
* Wait for a module that matches the provided filter to be registered,
* then call the callback with the module as the first argument
export function waitFor(filter: string | string[] | FilterFn, callback: CallbackFn, { isIndirect = false }: { isIndirect?: boolean; } = {}) {
export function waitFor(filter: string | PropsFilter | FilterFn, callback: CallbackFn, { isIndirect = false }: { isIndirect?: boolean; } = {}) {
if (IS_REPORTER && !isIndirect) lazyWebpackSearchHistory.push(["waitFor", Array.isArray(filter) ? filter : [filter]]);
if (typeof filter === "string")
@ -593,21 +602,18 @@ export function waitFor(filter: string | string[] | FilterFn, callback: Callback
* Search modules by keyword. This searches the factory methods,
* meaning you can search all sorts of things, displayName, methodName, strings somewhere in the code, etc
* @param filters One or more strings or regexes
* @param code One or more strings or regexes
* @returns Mapping of found modules
export function search(...filters: Array<string | RegExp>) {
export function search(...code: CodeFilter) {
const results = {} as Record<number, Function>;
const factories = wreq.m;
for (const id in factories) {
const factory = factories[id].original ?? factories[id];
const str: string = factory.toString();
for (const filter of filters) {
if (typeof filter === "string" && !str.includes(filter)) continue outer;
if (filter instanceof RegExp && !filter.test(str)) continue outer;
results[id] = factory;
if (stringMatches(factory.toString(), code))
results[id] = factory;
return results;
Add table
Reference in a new issue