* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
import { addProfileBadge, removeProfileBadge } from "@api/Badges";
import { addChatBarButton, removeChatBarButton } from "@api/ChatButtons";
import { registerCommand, unregisterCommand } from "@api/Commands";
import { addContextMenuPatch, removeContextMenuPatch } from "@api/ContextMenu";
import { addMemberListDecorator, removeMemberListDecorator } from "@api/MemberListDecorators";
import { addMessageAccessory, removeMessageAccessory } from "@api/MessageAccessories";
import { addMessageDecoration, removeMessageDecoration } from "@api/MessageDecorations";
import { addMessageClickListener, addMessagePreEditListener, addMessagePreSendListener, removeMessageClickListener, removeMessagePreEditListener, removeMessagePreSendListener } from "@api/MessageEvents";
import { addMessagePopoverButton, removeMessagePopoverButton } from "@api/MessagePopover";
import { Settings, SettingsStore } from "@api/Settings";
import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger";
import { canonicalizeFind } from "@utils/patches";
import { Patch, Plugin, PluginDef, ReporterTestable, StartAt } from "@utils/types";
import { FluxDispatcher } from "@webpack/common";
import { FluxEvents } from "@webpack/types";
import Plugins from "~plugins";
import { traceFunction } from "../debug/Tracer";
const logger = new Logger("PluginManager", "#a6d189");
export const PMLogger = logger;
export const plugins = Plugins;
export const patches = [] as Patch[];
/** Whether we have subscribed to flux events of all the enabled plugins when FluxDispatcher was ready */
let enabledPluginsSubscribedFlux = false;
const subscribedFluxEventsPlugins = new Set();
const pluginsValues = Object.values(Plugins);
const settings = Settings.plugins;
export function isPluginEnabled(p: string) {
return (
Plugins[p]?.required ||
Plugins[p]?.isDependency ||
) ?? false;
export function addPatch(newPatch: Omit, pluginName: string) {
const patch = newPatch as Patch;
patch.plugin = pluginName;
delete patch.predicate;
delete patch.group;
if (patch.predicate && !patch.predicate()) return;
if (!Array.isArray(patch.replacement)) {
patch.replacement = [patch.replacement];
patch.replacement.forEach(r => {
delete r.predicate;
patch.replacement = patch.replacement.filter(({ predicate }) => !predicate || predicate());
function isReporterTestable(p: Plugin, part: ReporterTestable) {
return p.reporterTestable == null
? true
: (p.reporterTestable & part) === part;
const pluginKeysToBind: Array = [
"onBeforeMessageEdit", "onBeforeMessageSend", "onMessageClick",
"renderChatBarButton", "renderMemberListDecorator", "renderMessageAccessory", "renderMessageDecoration", "renderMessagePopoverButton"
const neededApiPlugins = new Set();
// First round-trip to mark and force enable dependencies
// FIXME: might need to revisit this if there's ever nested (dependencies of dependencies) dependencies since this only
// goes for the top level and their children, but for now this works okay with the current API plugins
for (const p of pluginsValues) if (isPluginEnabled(p.name)) {
p.dependencies?.forEach(d => {
const dep = Plugins[d];
if (!dep) {
const error = new Error(`Plugin ${p.name} has unresolved dependency ${d}`);
if (IS_DEV) {
throw error;
settings[d].enabled = true;
dep.isDependency = true;
if (p.commands?.length) neededApiPlugins.add("CommandsAPI");
if (p.onBeforeMessageEdit || p.onBeforeMessageSend || p.onMessageClick) neededApiPlugins.add("MessageEventsAPI");
if (p.renderChatBarButton) neededApiPlugins.add("ChatInputButtonAPI");
if (p.renderMemberListDecorator) neededApiPlugins.add("MemberListDecoratorsAPI");
if (p.renderMessageAccessory) neededApiPlugins.add("MessageAccessoriesAPI");
if (p.renderMessageDecoration) neededApiPlugins.add("MessageDecorationsAPI");
if (p.renderMessagePopoverButton) neededApiPlugins.add("MessagePopoverAPI");
if (p.userProfileBadge) neededApiPlugins.add("BadgeAPI");
for (const key of pluginKeysToBind) {
p[key] &&= p[key].bind(p) as any;
for (const p of neededApiPlugins) {
Plugins[p].isDependency = true;
settings[p].enabled = true;
for (const p of pluginsValues) {
if (p.settings) {
p.options ??= {};
p.settings.pluginName = p.name;
for (const name in p.settings.def) {
const def = p.settings.def[name];
const checks = p.settings.checks?.[name];
p.options[name] = { ...def, ...checks };
if (p.options) {
for (const name in p.options) {
const opt = p.options[name];
if (opt.onChange != null) {
SettingsStore.addChangeListener(`plugins.${p.name}.${name}`, opt.onChange);
if (p.patches && isPluginEnabled(p.name)) {
if (!IS_REPORTER || isReporterTestable(p, ReporterTestable.Patches)) {
for (const patch of p.patches) {
addPatch(patch, p.name);
export const startAllPlugins = traceFunction("startAllPlugins", function startAllPlugins(target: StartAt) {
logger.info(`Starting plugins (stage ${target})`);
for (const name in Plugins) {
if (isPluginEnabled(name) && (!IS_REPORTER || isReporterTestable(Plugins[name], ReporterTestable.Start))) {
const p = Plugins[name];
const startAt = p.startAt ?? StartAt.WebpackReady;
if (startAt !== target) continue;
export function startDependenciesRecursive(p: Plugin) {
let restartNeeded = false;
const failures: string[] = [];
p.dependencies?.forEach(d => {
if (!settings[d].enabled) {
const dep = Plugins[d];
// If the plugin has patches, don't start the plugin, just enable it.
settings[d].enabled = true;
dep.isDependency = true;
if (dep.patches) {
logger.warn(`Enabling dependency ${d} requires restart.`);
restartNeeded = true;
const result = startPlugin(dep);
if (!result) failures.push(d);
return { restartNeeded, failures };
export function subscribePluginFluxEvents(p: Plugin, fluxDispatcher: typeof FluxDispatcher) {
if (p.flux && !subscribedFluxEventsPlugins.has(p.name) && (!IS_REPORTER || isReporterTestable(p, ReporterTestable.FluxEvents))) {
logger.debug("Subscribing to flux events of plugin", p.name);
for (const [event, handler] of Object.entries(p.flux)) {
const wrappedHandler = p.flux[event] = function () {
try {
const res = handler.apply(p, arguments as any);
return res instanceof Promise
? res.catch(e => logger.error(`${p.name}: Error while handling ${event}\n`, e))
: res;
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`${p.name}: Error while handling ${event}\n`, e);
fluxDispatcher.subscribe(event as FluxEvents, wrappedHandler);
export function unsubscribePluginFluxEvents(p: Plugin, fluxDispatcher: typeof FluxDispatcher) {
if (p.flux) {
logger.debug("Unsubscribing from flux events of plugin", p.name);
for (const [event, handler] of Object.entries(p.flux)) {
fluxDispatcher.unsubscribe(event as FluxEvents, handler);
export function subscribeAllPluginsFluxEvents(fluxDispatcher: typeof FluxDispatcher) {
enabledPluginsSubscribedFlux = true;
for (const name in Plugins) {
if (!isPluginEnabled(name)) continue;
subscribePluginFluxEvents(Plugins[name], fluxDispatcher);
export const startPlugin = traceFunction("startPlugin", function startPlugin(p: Plugin) {
const {
name, commands, contextMenus, userProfileBadge,
onBeforeMessageEdit, onBeforeMessageSend, onMessageClick,
renderChatBarButton, renderMemberListDecorator, renderMessageAccessory, renderMessageDecoration, renderMessagePopoverButton
} = p;
if (p.start) {
logger.info("Starting plugin", name);
if (p.started) {
logger.warn(`${name} already started`);
return false;
try {
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`Failed to start ${name}\n`, e);
return false;
p.started = true;
if (commands?.length) {
logger.debug("Registering commands of plugin", name);
for (const cmd of commands) {
try {
registerCommand(cmd, name);
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`Failed to register command ${cmd.name}\n`, e);
return false;
if (enabledPluginsSubscribedFlux) {
subscribePluginFluxEvents(p, FluxDispatcher);
if (contextMenus) {
logger.debug("Adding context menus patches of plugin", name);
for (const navId in contextMenus) {
addContextMenuPatch(navId, contextMenus[navId]);
if (userProfileBadge) addProfileBadge(userProfileBadge);
if (onBeforeMessageEdit) addMessagePreEditListener(onBeforeMessageEdit);
if (onBeforeMessageSend) addMessagePreSendListener(onBeforeMessageSend);
if (onMessageClick) addMessageClickListener(onMessageClick);
if (renderChatBarButton) addChatBarButton(name, renderChatBarButton);
if (renderMemberListDecorator) addMemberListDecorator(name, renderMemberListDecorator);
if (renderMessageDecoration) addMessageDecoration(name, renderMessageDecoration);
if (renderMessageAccessory) addMessageAccessory(name, renderMessageAccessory);
if (renderMessagePopoverButton) addMessagePopoverButton(name, renderMessagePopoverButton);
return true;
}, p => `startPlugin ${p.name}`);
export const stopPlugin = traceFunction("stopPlugin", function stopPlugin(p: Plugin) {
const {
name, commands, contextMenus, userProfileBadge,
onBeforeMessageEdit, onBeforeMessageSend, onMessageClick,
renderChatBarButton, renderMemberListDecorator, renderMessageAccessory, renderMessageDecoration, renderMessagePopoverButton
} = p;
if (p.stop) {
logger.info("Stopping plugin", name);
if (!p.started) {
logger.warn(`${name} already stopped`);
return false;
try {
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`Failed to stop ${name}\n`, e);
return false;
p.started = false;
if (commands?.length) {
logger.debug("Unregistering commands of plugin", name);
for (const cmd of commands) {
try {
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`Failed to unregister command ${cmd.name}\n`, e);
return false;
unsubscribePluginFluxEvents(p, FluxDispatcher);
if (contextMenus) {
logger.debug("Removing context menus patches of plugin", name);
for (const navId in contextMenus) {
removeContextMenuPatch(navId, contextMenus[navId]);
if (userProfileBadge) removeProfileBadge(userProfileBadge);
if (onBeforeMessageEdit) removeMessagePreEditListener(onBeforeMessageEdit);
if (onBeforeMessageSend) removeMessagePreSendListener(onBeforeMessageSend);
if (onMessageClick) removeMessageClickListener(onMessageClick);
if (renderChatBarButton) removeChatBarButton(name);
if (renderMemberListDecorator) removeMemberListDecorator(name);
if (renderMessageDecoration) removeMessageDecoration(name);
if (renderMessageAccessory) removeMessageAccessory(name);
if (renderMessagePopoverButton) removeMessagePopoverButton(name);
return true;
}, p => `stopPlugin ${p.name}`);