/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 * Vencord Desktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors */ import { app, BrowserWindow } from "electron"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import { join } from "path"; import { ICON_PATH, VIEW_DIR } from "shared/paths"; import { makeLinksOpenExternally } from "./utils/makeLinksOpenExternally"; export function createAboutWindow() { const about = new BrowserWindow({ center: true, autoHideMenuBar: true, icon: ICON_PATH }); makeLinksOpenExternally(about); const html = readFileSync(join(VIEW_DIR, "about.html"), "utf-8").replaceAll("%VERSION%", app.getVersion()); about.loadURL("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + html); return about; }